Sunday, September 27, 2009

This morning was Delaney's baptism. She wore the beautiful white gown that was also worn by Kenna, Taylor and Caroline for their baptisms. Kenna, of course, had to wear a beautiful dress too. I picked out a cute black corduroy dress with flowers on it, but since Delaney had a fancy dress, Kenna needed one too. (I think the hat made Delaney look a bit Amish....)

Today was Pastor Cress' last Sunday at Grace so it was special to have a chance to have him baptize her. He also baptized Kenna as well as married Tony and I. There were some moments in both the children's sermon as well as the main sermon that I lost it a little bit. Some of the pictures below you can see my red puffy eyes from crying.

Yesterday Tony gave Delaney a toy for the first time. She put it straight in her mouth and started chewing on it. It is the first time we have see her do that!

Also yesterday I dressed the girls in their Notre Dame cheerleading outfits. They were so cute!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Last Friday we spent some time with friends Artie and Amanda, and Andrew and Kati. Andrew and Kati recently built a house so it was fun to hang out at their brand new house. Here is a picture of us girls:

I thought it was a very good picture until I just realized Tony's toes are in it.......

Next is a picture of the guys. If you notice, they are taking up the whole couch and us girls are sitting on the floor.... I guess it was ok since we had the babies on the floor with us.

Delaney and Mitch. They were so cute together on the floor, although Delaney looked even smaller next to him. He is 4 months old. I like the picture of him trying to hold her hand! AWWW

Artie and Amanda's oldest is Savannah. She and Kenna had a great time playing together. I was so happy that I had brought extra dresses that they could play with!

Sunday we all spent that day at mom and dads. They had returned from camping and hadn't seen the girls in quite a while. Granny got some cuddle time in too! = )

I have noticed that I'm always the one taking the pictures, therefore I feel like I'm never IN any pictures with the girls- so I made sure to snap one of Delaney and I.

Nana and Delaney

Andrew and Delaney

Nana let the kids help her dig up some potatoes and carrots from the garden. They were dirty but sure had fun. The carrots and potatoes they brought in were HUGE!! It makes everything at the grocery look pretty pitiful!

Andrew's hand and the giant carrot

Kenna's hand and the giant potato

Nana and Papa with the kids

Delaney is always so happy during and after her bathtime. We have not been able to get her to take a pacifier but she sure loves to suck on her fists!!

Wednesday I was making some phone calls and Kenna said "Mommy, who are you calling?" I said "Just calling Stacey". Then she said the cutest thing "Maybe you should call God". She proceeded to beg me to call Him on the phone and was trying to tell me which buttons to push. She is so precious!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

First baseball game

I forgot to mention in yesterday's post that we had Delaney weighed yesterday. She is 9lb 10.5oz! WOW! One of my coworkers had a baby who was 7lb 5 oz - just 1oz smaller than Delaney. I held him the other day and was amazed at how much Delaney has already grown!

Tuesday night we went to watch the TinCaps play in Ft Wayne. It was Delaney's first baseball game and she did pretty well! Mama Dee bougth Kenna a princess baseball hat, which daddy showed her how to wear backwards. (All these pictures are from my cell phone!)

Here are some more random pictures from my cell phone!

Granny and Kenna

Kenna and Delaney.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

2 months old!!!

2 months already! WOW! I can't believe how fast time is going! I wish it would SLOW DOWN! Tony told me he doesn't want to have any more kids- he is happy that both pregnancies gave us happy healthy babies (and he is happy that I'm healthy too). I just don't think he wants to risk it again. But it really makes me sad to think that I will never be pregnant again... never have a brand new baby again......

Anyway. today I took Delaney's pictures with her lamb for 2 months. Of course Kenna wanted in the pictures too so I took some of both girls!

What beautiful girls we have been blessed with!

Over the weekend we went to Chicago so Tony and Greg could go to a Cubs game. Kenna stayed with Angela and Matt but we took Delaney with us. We got Kenna some presents at the Disney store up there. She LOVES princesses. She has almost all the princess dresses but we got her the Snow White headband and shoes for her dress. She loved it of course!

She also likes Jessie from Toy Story 2. We were lucky that its getting close to Halloween so there were many costumes to choose from!

Delaney looked so peaceful as she slept in her car seat in Chicago. She did beautifully. I had to stop and feed her quite a bit but it didn't bother me. She was wonderful!

We stayed in Skokie. As we were leaving to head back to the city, we saw this buidling.... It was very...... interesting..... in Skokie

When we got to Chicago, there was a strange fog between the buidings. Very eery.