Wow, I haven't posted for a few weeks and have quite a bit to talk about. The other night we went to the mall and I found the most adorable bow for Delaney's hair (or I guess lack of it). She looks so cute with it on!

Friday night we went to Menards. Kenna was fascinated by all the Christmas lights. She especially liked the nativity scenes. She had to have Daddy lift her on his shoulders so she could see baby Jesus.

Last night we went to the Komet's game with Greg, Cathy, Ang, Matt and the kids. Delaney was pretty interested in the players skating all over the ice, but REALLY hated it when they scored and the blew the loud horn. She got a huge frown on her face and started to cry. It was so sad

This was after the Komets scored. The girls kept their fingers in their ears for a while.

Delaney and I awaiting the runners of the Marathon. The Veterans Marathon was this past Saturday in CC. The route of the marathon went down Keiser Rd past Mom and Dad's house. We had muffins, donuts and warm drinks as we sat in our lawn chairs awaiting the first runners to come through. Their house was at about the 8 mile marker. We had a lot of fun cheering on the runners, although felt a little like "couch potatoes" as we sat and watched! Couch potatoes included: Dad, Mom, Aunt Di, Uncle Rick, Kari, Tim, Andrew, Granny, Me, Tony, Kenna and Delaney.

We even got to see an hang glider fly over

I was a little disturbed by this guy. He didn't have any shoes on. I can't imagine how painful it is to run on a country road with no shoes. Even worse, how dirty would your feet be at the end of the race?!?!? EWWWWWW

This is Delaney's first time in the exersaucer at home. She loved being able to look at all the toys surrounding her. She is still working on her strength at holding up her head so her play periods in the exersaucer don't always last too long.

Last week Ashley and Abbie came over to play. The girls went in Kenna's room and when they came out, they looked like this. Adorable! I'm a little shocked that Kenna shared her dresses that well, she is usually pretty protective of them. A girl has to watch out for her fancy dresses, right?!

We also had fun playing with pla-doh. I found some old cookie cutters and plastic knives for them to play with. They had a great time!

Delaney modeling her cute bow and her "Ta-Da- cuteness has arrived" onesie that Mom got for her. Everyone at the daycare said how adorable it was! I think so but I'm a little partial........

Cute conversations with Kenna:
First one:
Kenna: Mommy, is that the wedding (pointing to the church)
Me: No, that is a church. That is where you have a wedding
Kenna: I want to be a bride
Me: You will have to talk to Daddy about that
Kenna: I want to marry Daddy
Second one:
Kenna: (kneeling in the living room praying) Dear God. I love my mommy very much. And I love my friends. I love to go outside too. But Jesus it out there up high. But I can't go up there because there are no stairs. Amen
Third one:
(On our way to get Kenna's 2nd H1N1 shot)
Kenna: Mommy, when we go to the doctor is the nurse gonna shot me?
Me: Yes, but it will be real quick and will be over really fast
Kenna: (crying) I don't want the nurse to shot me. I want the nurse to shot Delaney and I will just watch