I can't believe it has been so long since I have updated the blog. Time sure flies around the holidays! Delaney is 5 months old already! WOW. We took her to the doctor on Thursday. She was 13lb 2oz and was 25.5in long. She is in the 25 percentile for weight and the 75th of length.... So tall and skinny like Daddy! Darcy told us that we can start giving her baby food (although we have already tried rice cereal and oatmeal. I also gave her a little bite of cornbread last weekend!)
This was her first time trying peas. Judging by the look on her face, it wasn't her favorite thing!
And it didn't get any better if she tried to do it herself!
I took Delaney's 5 month picture with her lamb. We had Kenna pictures taken with this hat when she was a baby too.

Today Dad, Tony and Tim got out the snowmobile. Oh how that brought back childhood memories for me! Dad used to pull Kari and I around the yard on the sled. Tony and I were trying to remember when they had it out last. The last time I can remember was 4 years ago when I was pregnant for Kenna. Of course I couldn't ride it.... Before that they had it out right around the time that Tony and I were married 5 years ago!
Kenna and mommy getting ready for the ride!
I think Kenna was a little nervous about the ride. The snowmobile is pretty loud and of course smells like gas. Anyone that knoes Kenna, knows that she is pretty nervous around loud noises. She did pretty well for her first time! She didn't fight it or anything!!
Next was Andrew's turn. He hopped right on with me and and grabbed the handles! He was ready to drive! It was hilarious!
Papa got the sled all hooked up and pulled Kenna and I around a few times so she could get used to the idea. She was all ready for Bubba to ride with her. They LOVED it!