As I am looking through my pictures I feel a little bit bad. I'm not eactly sure where August went. I realized that I only took about 5 pictures the whole month!!
We had a garage sale mid August. Kenna was very ecited about having a lemonade stand! (But got a bit bored with it when it wasn't busy)
Granny was her first customer!
Earlier this summer, Tony built me a clothesline in the backyard by connecting a wooden post with the playset. It has been nice to be able to hang my diapers outside!

The Wednesday after Labor Day was a big day for Kenna! It was her first day of preschool! I can't believe that my baby girl is going to preschool now! It seems like she was just born a few weeks ago!
She was SO PROUD of her backpack!
Last week Angela and I took the kids to the zoo.
This picture was trying to portray how HUGE the leaves on this plant were
I think it is just amazing how no matter when or how many times we go to the zoo, there is always a sense of wonder that can be seen in her eyes. The experience at the zoo is never the same and we (all of us) always come home with stories of what we have seen!
As Delaney gets bigger, she just loves to jump right in there and play with the big girls!
Taylor was terrified that it was going to rain. She cried almost the entire time we were there. We really had to twist her arm to get her in this picture!
Bill the lion was laying on the rock ledge next to this window. It was totally impossible to get them all to look at the camera. Delaney was very photogenic though!
The three girls in the tents...
Again, miss Delaney was very cheesy as she posed for the camera.
This picture really made me laugh when I saw it! Kenna always loves to feed the giraffes. This time she was so in to the feeding that she even stuck her tongue out too!!
The giraffe Kenna fed was Mystic. As I was standing watching Mystic close to the stand, I realized she had some interesting markings..... directly in the middle of her right side, one of her spots looks like a Mickey Head (maybe I had Disney on my mind since I watched a show last week about Disney World and the "hidden Mickeys")
As I mentioned earlier, Taylor cried almost the entire time we were there because she was afraid it was going to rain. By the time it actually did rain, she was hysterical......
Kenna thought it was kind of funny that we all were soaked as we ran for cover!
Mommy and Delaney VERY wet!
This weekend, we went to Turkey Run State Park to go camping with Gabe, Jenn, Artie, Amanda, Savannah, Mitch, Andrew, and Kati. McKenna and Savannah had a great time playing all weekend.
Delaney and Mitch also had a great time playing together!
The guys had a well planned set up so they could see the TV in our camper to watch the Notre Dame game.
Yesterday we took the kids to the Nature Center and out to the suspension bridge. I was a bit disappointed with the lack of live animals for the kids to look at, but they still had fun!
The whole gang on the suspension bridge!
We had such a great time with a great group of friends but also had fun as a family!
Baby Mitch giving a big binkie CHEESE smile
The Strack family
We decided to go on a short hike. It was really a good hike with the kiddos in tow!
We had such a great time!!!
Andrew and Gabe on the BIG rock!
Sleep girls on the way home...................