This week has been a rough week for us. Tony was out of town all week so the girls and I decided to stay with mom and dad. Tuesday night (during the night), Kenna woke up and was just sobbing. It didn't take too long to realize that she had thrown up in her bed. This is the first time she had done this so she was pretty traumatized by the whole thing. Yesterday Tony came home from his trip and I thought all was well....... I was wrong. I became sick in the middle of the night and have felt terrible all day. I have a terrible low back/hip pain that has caused me to be emotional and uncomfortable. We decided to go in to the hospital to make sure I don't have kidney stones, kideny infection ,etc. Luckily all test came back fairly normal and the only thing is that I, obviously, have the stomach flu. Tony took the girls to his parent's house so I could rest. I thought- what a perfect time to lay in bed and work on my blog! So here we go!
The week between Christmas and New Years, we got Kena, Caroline and Taylor in tennis lessons. This is the girls relaxing after tennis camp

The first day, Kenna did better than I anticipated. I thought she would be shy and scared, but I'm sure it helped having the girls with her. The instructor had them doing "bear crawls". Of course, Kenna had to voice her opinion that she didn't want to be a bear, she wanted to be a doggy. Haha

Ok girls, this isn't exactly what we had in mind. I love Taylor's racket on her head!

Angela and I decided that the camp was totally worth the money for the hour that the girls got to run wild around the tennis courts. The were worn out and we didn't have to chase them. That is great, right?

The girls with Papa Dee on the last night.

On New Years Eve, Tony, Greg, Angela, and Matt took all the kids ice skating. (Cathy and I stayed home with Delaney)Tony and I were trying to remember whether or not Kenna had been skating before. I'm pretty sure they all went last year while I was pregnant. I guess she just had a blast with Daddy and her cousins! I love this picture- because Tony still appears to be getting ready and Kenna is off and running! I'm amazed she could walk in the skates!

Kenna and Daddy

After skating they all went to Starbucks for a warm beverage- but Kenna had juice!

Greg and Cathy had a little party at their house on New Years Eve. Julie and Russell Morris brought their kids along with their new baby. She was born before Christmas and seemed SOOO tiny compared to Delaney. I think Delaney is small but you can really see how big she is compared to a new baby!

My smiley girl!

This was hilarious. I put Delaney in the bouncer while I cleaned up the house and she pulled herself to a sitting position so she could chew on the part of the bouncer that plays music and moves.

Delaney has a new found love- baby food. At first she seemed pretty aprehensive about the whole eating thing, but in the last week she has really taken off! She will even REFUSE breastfeeding/bottle until you feed her real food first! Tony got out the highchair last night and she loved it. She tried mashed potatoes- but wasn't too interested- but LOVED her mixed vegetable and peaches baby food. She ate 2 bowls!!!

See how much she loves it?!?!?

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