In the beginning of April we took a little trip to Ohio for spring break. We got some tickets to Kalahari water park. We had a great time! I cannot wait to take Kenna back! Delaney loved it too! There was so much going on and so many people, she had plenty of things to watch! I wore her most of the time we were there so she was pretty comfy!

Kalahari has a lazy river, multiple water slides, a surfing area, a wave pool, etc but we spent most of our time in the kiddie area. Tay and Kenna had a great time chasing each other around and going down the slide together!

They also had the most prefect little baby swings. They were just low enough that the babies could reach the water! Delaney had a great time in them!

The group

Some lovin from Uncle Bobby..... I never really thought Delaney looked like Tony but for some reason, I think she looks a lot like him in this picture.
The April 22nd birthday girls!!!!

Angela and I cooked dinner to celebrate the birthdays. We had originally decided to make spaghetti but when we came home with the ingredients to cook it, Grandma Dee had already started making a chicken casserole....but we made the spaghetti anyway. It was an interested combination but it was yummy! We also made this beautiful strawberry cake!

Aunt Lynn was also excited to see Miss Delaney.

What would a birthday celebration be without "Happy Birthday" and a candle, right? The birthday girls designated Kenna to be the one to blow out the candle. She was pretty excited but then was confused that there were no presents... and that it wasn't REALLY her birthday.....

Here is Delaney's 9 month picture. I just can't get over that adorable smile!!!!

Next s Kenna's picture on her 4th birthday. She is such a hard girl to get to look at the camera and smile, although, I think it is still a pretty cute picture!

Kenna.... how old are you......????

We wanted to do something fun for Kenna on her birthday so we decided to go to Chuck E Cheese's. I don't remember their pizza being so terrible....... The first thing the girls went on was a little carousel. They had a blast!

Kenna and Taylor had to ride on the car together. There was one that was a single person car, but -oh no- they had to ride in the one that they both could sit in it at the same time....... The scary part is that someday it will actually happen.........

Even the grown-ups had fun....... Notice there are no kids in this picture........

The cake.....

Kenna was very excited to finally be celebrating her birthday. She had been talking about turning 4 for WEEKS before!!! She did get a sticker that said she was a birthday girl, but if I had been a good mother I would have called ahead and set up a birthday reservation so that Chuck would come sing to her like he did the girl at the table next to us. She acted a bit confused as to why he wasn't coming over to celebrate her birthday (which made me feel worse) but I think she quickly forgot about it.....

Opening presents:

Tony insisted that we play
each other at
Skee-ball- of course I lost.

Mom and I went out to some garage sales. Tony really didn't want me to go because he thought that I would get a "bunch of things we don't need". Well guess what! We DID find a bunch of things we don't need! The most interesting of all was ELVIS! He was even life sized~ In case you are wondering, no, we didn't spend the $300 to get him. Although Angela said it best when she said that if Jack were with us, he would not have batted an eye and bought it for Run-A-Muck. If Elvis were $50, I would have seriously considered i!
I have been using cloth diapers for 7 months now and have been pretty successful. We even started using them at daycare! Christa, a friend of mine, gave me a snappi to try. Snappis work with the "old style" prefold diapers (my mom used pins). I have done it a few times with a cover over them. Delaney looked pretty cute in just the prefold and the snappi.

We had Kenna's birthday party on Saturday April 24th. Guests included: Nana, Papa, Mama Dee, Papa Dee, Kari, Tim, Andrew, Angela, Matt, Caroline, Taylor, Aunt Diana, Uncle Rick, Granny, Grandma K, Artie, Amanda, Savannah, Mitch, Ashley, Tony, and Abbie. It was a great time! Kenna loved it. Here is all the kids eating together.

We had a princess themed birthday (of course). I found some crown hair combs at the party store and we used them as cupcake toppers. They were super cute! Mom made the cupcakes for us!

I'm such a bad mom......I was so busy trying to make sure she had her cupcake, the candle was lit, Happy Birthday was being sung, etc that THIS is the ONLY picture I have of her getting ready/blowing out her candles..... = (

Present time!

I can't believe Delaney is old enough to start using a sippy cup!!!!!

About a week ago, we got some rock to put in our landscaping. Tony was outside working on putting it in place, I was cleaning up the house, Delaney was taking a nap and Kenna was watching TV (or so I thought). When I walked in the living room, I found her like this. My computer has the pictures randomly shuffle on the screen and sometimes Kenna will start watching it. She obviously started and got a bit sleepy........

Then I went in to check on Delaney and found her curled up with her taggie blanket too. SOOOO precious!!