I can't believe how fast 1 week has gone! I can't believe a week ago today we were sitting in the hospital room waiting for our precious Delaney to arrive- wondering what she will look like, if she will have hair, what her cry will sound like, how big she will be, how long we will have to wait to snuggle her, etc. Unbelievable!
This is a picture of Kenna helping me give Delaney her first sponge bath at home. Kenna was totally confused since we were not actually putting her in the bathtub but she was trying to help anyway. It was cute! Of course Delaney hated every minute of it!

Wednesday night we took Delaney to mom and dad's house. We knew Kenna needed some time out of the house- and so did we. She was not listening to us and getting in to everythingso we thought it would be best to get out for a bit.

While we were there, mom set up dad's new hammock and Kenna had fun playing with it. First she laid on it......
Yesterday we went to Parkview North to meet with the lactation consultant. I stopped in to get the hospital pictures we had done of Delaney as well. We stopped in to see a few people too. The first picture is Stacey Adams. She is the day shift supervisor of the family birthing center. She was a nurse I had regularly when I was in the hospital with Kenna. The next picture is Stacey Delagrange. She is the evening supervisor of the family birthing center. Deb Howell is the next one. She is the educator of the FBC and my preceptor when I started this job. The last picture is Jenny Dougal. She is a clinical nurse specialist for the FBC.