Yay! 37 weeks! I went to see Dr Schwartz on Monday for my weekly appt (I took Tony too just in case...). He checked me and I'm 3cm and baby is still head down. Her heartrate was 144 which is normal for her. He told me that IF I make it to the weekend, it will be my last weekend pregnant. I have another appt scheduled on Monday. If no baby by Monday, we will pick a day late next week to induce!! Wow, I can't believe it is that close. We will have a baby by next weekend! WOW!!!!

We had a pretty busy 4th of July weekend. We took Kenna and went to the Johnson's lake house for dinner on Friday night. We spend a little time out on the boat while the guys went tubing. The water was freezing. I think they were crazy!

I just LOVE this picture of Kenna on the boat!

Kenna and Jaila had a great time playing together. They are pretty close in age and were the best of friends for the evening. After the boat trip, they had a fun filled game of t-ball. Of course it was just each of them taking turns hitting the ball 3 times while the other of the two chased the ball and brought it back. It was just adorable!

Then Saturday afternoon/evening we went to the Pontenburg's house for a 4th of July party. Once the sun started setting, people around the pond started setting off fireworks and I don't think Kenna's hands left her ears for more than a second. The previous night we had watched he fireworks at the Johnson's lake house so by Saturday she was pretty good at covering her ears. She really hates loud noises!!

See, ears still covered!!!

Yesterday we went with Ang, Matt, the girls, and 2 of Matt's brother's kids to the new park/splash park. The kids had fun, but the fun only lasted about an hour. I think the water was pretty cold so they didn't stay in it too long.

Today we went to te zoo with Angela, Matt, the kids, Greg, Cathy and one of Julian's friends. It was the first venture out without the wheelchair. Of course I sat as much as I could and Kenna and I left early while everyone else was still there so we didn't push it too much.

Kenna was very excited that she was able to get a chance to do her very favorite things at the zoo- see the giraffes and feed them lettuce. This particular giraffe was HUGE. The one she fed a few weeks ago was barely tall enough to reach the bottom of the railing and this big guy was resting his head on the top of the fence. Kenna only gave him one piece of lettuce because she kept saying that he made and owie on her finger- I think he just touched her with his tongue and it scared her.

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