Friday, December 17, 2010

Conversation with Kenna

I know! I know! I am a HORRIBLE blogger! I'm pretty sure my last post was in September.... maybe my new years resolution needs to be that I blog more!

This will be short until I have more time, but I HAVE to share a conversation I had with Kenna in the car on the way home from preschool this morning. We were talking about the birth of my friends Gabe an Jenn's new baby girl, Caroline.

Me: "Kenna, today we are going to go see a new baby and guess what her name is?"
Kenna: "What?"
Me: "Caroline"
Kenna: "Caroline? Now there are 2 Carolines!!!"
Me: "Yep"
Kenna: "How many is she?"
Me: "She was just born yesterday"
Kenna: (silence) "So she just came down from Heaven?"
Me: "Yes, God just gave her to Gabe and Jen"
Kenna: "Where does he live? Did he get married and move?"
Me: "Who? Gabe? Yes, he got married and now they have a baby girl"
Kenna: "No, I'm talking about God. Did he move?"
Me: "No, God lives in Heaven. He has always lived there"
Kenna: "But it's not comfy there. He has no blankets"
Me: "I'm sure God has blankets"
Kenna: "But where does he sleep? Are there beds there?"
Me: "Yep, I bet he has beds"
Kenna: "Lots and lots of beds?"
Me: "I bet he does"
Kenna: "Does he have 2 beds? One for God and one for Jesus?"
Me: "Yes"
Kenna: "Oh mommy, its like a SLEEPOVER!!"

Hahahahaha.... just had to share.........

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