Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another doctor appt

I went in to see Dr Schwartz again today and had another ultrasound. I'm still having some contractions and he wanted to check my cervix. I'm not bleeding any more and so far things look okay. After a good opportunity to get some questions answered, Dr Schwartz decided we needed to add medication to make sure that the contractions don't get too strong. I agreed, we really don't want to wait until it's too late.

Dr Schwartz added brethine (aka terbutaline)- which for those that remember the long 8 week hospitalization with Kenna- brethine is the medication that I was given if I had more than 4 contractions in an hour. The med was given by injection and had some awful side effects. It made my heart race and me feel very dizzy. I almost felt like my mind was spinning and I couldn't coordinate thoughts and speech. It indeed had some strange side effects. Right now, we are using a pill form that I will only take it I absolutely need it (hopefully won't that won't be much).

He also started me on a progesterone injections once a week for the next 10 weeks. I agreed to give them to myself to save the extra trip to his office, which is quite an experience since I have NEVER given myself a shot. To make matters worse it is something that cannot be given in the arm or the thigh. Yeah, you guessed it - in the hip.... That was an interesting task..... But its all for this little one so I did it! The progesterone is supposed to help suppress preterm labor. This is a fairly new med as it was not an option when I was pregnant with Kenna, so pray that it works for us!

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