Monday, March 30, 2009

23 weeks

I am 23 weeks now. One more down, 17 to go.... This little one is growing fast (as I can tell by my growing belly). Kenna is still very interested in what the baby is doing in my belly and continues to ask questions. Friday she went over to my mom and dad's for a little while when my boss came over. When she returned she told me that she missed her sister and wanted to hug and kiss her. It was adorable.
I am feeling a little overwhelmed thinking about all the things I wouldlike to get done BEFORE she is born- her bedroom done, clothes, blankets, etc washed, get Kenna out of the crib to move into the nursery, etc. With Kenna the 8 week hospital stay was so unexpected that I didn't have ANYTHING ready for her and I really don't want that to happen again.
I go back to Dr Schwartz next Monday. I hope everything still will look good. I feel really good! I started working from home last week which seems to be working out ok. I think Dr Schwartz will keep me that way as long as possible!

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