Wow, does it get any better than this??? Look at that amazing picture! The ultrasound tech today at Dr Schwartz's office was disappointed that we couldn't see our beautiful little girl's face because of her position, but ......wow...... look at that hand!
Obviously we saw Dr Schwartz again today. Tony and Kenna both came with me. I wasn't sure how Kenna would react but she did wonderful! Our first stop was ultrasound. The ultrasound tech and I have seen each other almost every week so she is a familiar face. Since the whole family was there, she decided to take some pictures of the baby, not just a cervical length.

The baby was laying with her face hidden so we didn't get many good shots of her face. She was adorable with her little hands clasped up next to her face. She was moving around but kept those hands together. At the end of the ultrasound she decided to flip on the 3D mode and try to get a picture of her face (the above picture). She was disappointed not to get the face, but we will take anything we can get!
Then we went in to see Dr Schwartz. Kenna was a little apprehensive at first but he gave her a medical measuring tape to play with so she warmed up to him pretty fast.
Dr Schwartz is very happy with the fact that both cerclages are still in place and holding strong. Everything looks good so far, but he is still not ready to let me go back to work. He wants to at least get me to 24 weeks (I'm 21 now), give me steroids, then possible "trial" going back to work.
We want to take it slow to make sure that we don't get too greedy. (Although, when counting weeks, greedy is good). He said his goal right now is to reach 35-36 weeks, but obviously once we make it there, we will want 38-39 weeks and have a full term baby.
We totally agree with his plan right now. I've done it before, and can do it again. This baby is FAR too precious to let anything happen to her! We love her and want to keep her safe as long as possible. I will see him again next week, then as long as things look good, he might loosen the reigns and let me go 2 weeks between appointments.
Great news! Beautiful baby! Praying for you guys! -Randi