Saturday, June 13, 2009

Forgot to post about appt

I forgot to post about my appt on Wednesday with Dr Schwartz. The cerclages are still in place and doing their job. He measured my belly and also obtained the baby's heart rate, although I forgot to ask what either measurement was. We were busy talking about the passing of Dr Lewis. Dr Schwartz is still sticking to the plan of taking the cerclages out after 36 weeks.
I go back to see him again in a week. Grow baby grow!
I'm also having a dilemma with clothes. I am quickly outgrowing my maternity clothes. Yesterday I attempted to find something "nice" to wear to the funeral home and had to go through many shirts before I found something that was long enough to cover my growing midsection!
Today I'm 33 weeks and 6 days. This is one day further than I made it with McKenna. We are officially over that hump, which was a goal of mine!

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