Saturday night we (Tony) decided to blow up Kenna's swimming pool (or "swimmin cool" as she calls it). Tony insisted on blowing it all the way up even though I tried to convince him that it had a few holes in it that I was unable to find the last time I blew it up last summer. He got it all down after using the air compressor and of course, after a few minutes of playing, the pool deflated.

After the pool was a flop, Kenna and Daddy took to the squirt guns. I'd say Kenna was on the winning end of that because she took the orange chamber of Tony's gun that holds that water so she had that along with her squirt gun and Daddy was very limited on how much water he could have in his gun. They had a great time running around the yard squirting each other.

After the squirt guns came the scooter. Daddy helped her at first, but the I think she started to get the hang of it. I have a feeling she will really be moving on that thing before the summer is over!

Here is me with my 35 week belly! We went to see Dr Schwartz again on Wednesday. He is pretty sure the baby is head down now. Her heartrate was 144 and my belly is measuring 38 weeks. I think she is just stretched out in there though! He is still planning on taking the cerclages out next week, but isn't going to stop the progesterone and brethine just yet. He wants me to continue that through at least week 37.

On Father's Day, we started out the day by going to church. As we were getting ready, I had Kenna give Daddy her present to him (a 1 hour massage). I gave her the card and told her to go tell him HAPPY FATHERS DAY, then give the card. She proudly marched out to the couch where he was sitting and with all her heart, she announced "HAPPY MOTHERS DAY". Ha ha Ha. After church we went to mom and dad's house for a brunch. Mom got out her "swimmin cool" and Andrew and Kenna had a great time sliding and splashing in the water.

My sleepy princess after a hard day of playing

This morning we took a little day trip up to Lake Tippy to spend some quality time in the pool. Ashley and Abbie Little came with us. We had a bit of an ordeal with Kenna's bathing suit. Last night I was contracting and needed to take brethine. I was resting on the couch with the side effects of brethine in full swing and Kenna got her bathing suit out of the bag and put it on. When Daddy came in from mowing, he took it off of her and put her jammies on. I totally forgot to put the bathing suit back in the bag so when we got to the lake, I had no suit for her. There isn't much in North Webster but I ended up finding one of those body suit/learn to swim things and it worked out pretty well. I think the goggles just add to the great fashion!

I think the girls had a great time in the pool. We packed up our lunch and ate poolside, then back to the pool for more fun. Both girls fell asleep on the way home! We had a big day of fun in the sun!
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