It has been a week since I have posted but it seems like so much longer than that~
A few weeks ago, we went to our friend's Andrew and Kati's wedding. It was a great time. Kenna loved dancing with all the kids. She had a cute pink dress with flowers and looked like a little princess! She is so beautiful!

Over Memorial Day weekend, we celebrated Mom, Kari and Granny's birthdays. Andrew and Kenna had a great time driving the JEEP around the backyard. Kenna drove a while then let Andrew drive. When she was driving, she was much more interested in the "extras" of the JEEP instead of actually driving. Ha ha!

33 weeks! YEAH! I had to take a picture of what my belly looks like from my view. Ha ha!
This past weekend we went to Gma Dee's house in Ohio for Tony's cousin Tylers graduation party. It was a nice getaway weekend. Kenna did great. She is still wearing big girl panties and going potty on the potty. She didn't even have any accidents while we were gone. She also slept on the floor in our bedroom for the first time. This has been the first trip we haven't brought the pack n play with us. She really is too big for it, but it was nice to have her own "bed". She is so great at going to bed that it really wasn't a problem.

Kenna had a great time at the McCabe's watering flowers and the garden with Aunt Reeny. It was a beautiful day out. We ordered pizza and sat on the back porch at ate it. (I got a salad because the baby doesn't usually like pizza. I haven't been able to keep it down for months!)

I just love this picture McKenna looks so innocent!

After we got home from Ohio, Kenna decided our plants need watered too. Aunt Reeny helped her practice while we were still in Ohio, then she thought she was a pro 3 hours later when we arrived back home. She told Tony and I that she needed to water the rock too because it needed water to grow. It was hilarious!

Now the last bit of news. Dr Lewis, our beloved neonatologist in the NICU passed away on Tuesday morning. His health has been a bit shaky the last few years. I cannot begin to express how much he meant to me. He was an excellent teacher and cared beyond belief for those tiny NICU babies. He would pace next to babies not doing well until he could "fix" it. He was very generous and gave routinely to the Toys for Tots program and bought Christmas presents every Christmas for the babies in the NICU around the holiday. When I was pregnant with Kenna and staying with mom and dad, he would call me at home to check in. Once admitted, he would visit me every day he was at the hospital and sternly tell me "I do not want to take care of your baby!" It sounds mean as I type it, but I knew what he meant. He wanted me to stay pregnant with her as long as possible so he wouldn't have to take care of her. If he wasn't on call on the weekends, I would frequently get a call to my hospital room making sure I was still doing as I was told. I don't know if I ever saw him "cuddle" a baby but the first picture of him with Kenna is priceless. His expression is meaningful.
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