It is so hard to believe that Kenna is 3 now. Where has the time gone?? Everyone says the time goes very fast and they aren't kidding!!! Tony was gone this week for business in Chicago so Kenna and I had a sleep over at mom and dads. For her birthday on Wednesday night we made homemade pizzas. Kenna had a great time pouring the
ingredients into the bowl, helping me stir, and (most fun of all) pressing the dough on the cooking stone. She did a great job!

We had a few guests join us for dinner. Kari, Tim and Andrew came over. Aunt Di drove to Indianapolis to pick Granny up from the airport so they came on over and enjoyed the festivities with us. Kenna was happy to see her Granny! She hadn't seen her since Christmas!

Of course we also had cupcakes. McKenna was hilarious singing happy birthday to herself. "Happy birthday to ME" She got a little anxious and blew her candle out before we were done singing. Then of course she wanted to blow it out again so we had to re-light it.

Last but not least we had a few presents for her to open. I think her favorite may have been a Tinkerbell dress from Aunt Di, complete with wings. She danced around the living room with it on. She also got a princess and carriage set from Nana and Papa, clothes, a Sleeping Beauty Barbie and a Princess Easy Bake oven from Tony and I. Tomorrow we are having a birthday party at our house. Kenna is really excited and keeps talking about her "friends" coming over to play.
Kenna was BIG GIRL today. We decided today would be a NO PULL-UP day. It started with come kicking and screaming on Kenna's part but eventually we talked her into it. She only had 1 accident and wore big girl underwear all day. Greg even watched her for a short time this afternoon and she pooped on the big potty for him!! We are so proud~ I hope that tomorrow goes just as smoothly!!
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