We had another ultrasound which looked wonderful. The ultrasound tech measured the baby who is right on
with my dates which is perfect! Dr Schwartz said he likes the plan of me working from home so I can stay off my feet as much as possible during the days. Her heartrate was in the 150s which is also perfect!
with my dates which is perfect! Dr Schwartz said he likes the plan of me working from home so I can stay off my feet as much as possible during the days. Her heartrate was in the 150s which is also perfect!

Dr Schwartz also ordered my first round of celestone, which is a steroid to help the baby's lungs develop. I had them with Kenna so we know they work!
We made our way home with a few hours to rest before getting our hair cut. Kenna did beautifully. She actually sat in the chair all by herself (which is a first) -without too much
trouble. Ami cut about 2 1/2 inches off of Kenna's hair. She really hates it to be brushed so we thought a shorter summer do may be best for her. I was able to get quite a few good pics of her when we got home.
After another rest and some dinner, we set out to drop off Kenna at Kari and Tim's house so we could buy a new fridge. Luckily the Sears in town had just what we were looking for. I tried to sit as much as possible in the store to avoid being on my feet too much (The comfy displays of patio furniture were perfect for me!) The new fridge will be delivered and the old hauled away hopefully on Thursday.
Now comes the less fun, more scary part of our day. In the afternoon/evening I started feeling the side effects of the steroids. Muscle weakness, aching, fatigue, back pain, etc. I spoke with Dr Schwartz who said the symptoms were most likely normal but to keep a close eye on the back pain to ensure it was not contractions. I rested on the couch for a while longer until I couldn't take the muscle pain. I took some tylenol and headed to bed. As I lay in bed with a heating pad on my back, I began to notice the back pain was not constant but seemed to come and go with contractions. I began to watch the clock a little closer and noticed the contractions were about 4 to 10 minutes apart. After about two hours of this, I called Dr Schwartz at 11:30 whose instructions were to take an oral dose of brethine (medication to stop contractions), if it didn't help take another in 30 minutes, then if still no relief, go to the hospital. After both doses and still contractions, we dropped Kenna off at Ang and Matts at 2am and headed for the hospital.
They did an ultrasound to check for cervical length, started me on an IV with fluids, another dose of brethine, and a urine test. Apparently I was dehydrated which caused the contractions. We came home about 6 am and slept for a while. I'm feeling ok now and trying to drink as much as possible. Pray that everything continues to be ok.....
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