Last Monday Andrew came over so we could watch him while Kari and Tim had meetings. Immediately Kenna though he needed to wear "glass slippers" too. He actually tried to ride on the Winnie the Pooh car wearing them. It was pretty funny!
Thursday night Tony and I went to the first Tin Caps game at the new Parkview field. It was a good time, but you could obviously tell that it was the FIRST game and they hadn't quite got all the bugs worked out.
When we first arrived, we had not had dinner so Tony went to the concession stand to get us something to eat while I went straight for the bathroom. There were 3-4 women standing outside the bathroom. I thought they were just standing talking but soon found out that they were waiting because the bathroom had not been unlocked yet. Of course them men's bathroom was open but not the women's. We finally got someone to open the door and when I was done, Tony handed me my corn dog. I went to go get ketchup on it and after touching the corn dog, I realized it was ice cold. I took it back to the concession stand for another one. The second one was cold. Again, back to the cashier. She notified the men in the kitchen that the corn dogs were not getting done. I waited a short while, then returned to my seat.
We began watching the opening festivities and a few times Tony and I took turns going back to the concession stand for more snack but the line was entirely too long so we chose to wait until the game started. After an F16 flyover and the start of the game, I went back up, saw Greg, Cathy, Julian, Taylor and Kenna. Of course Kenna latched on to me because she was still terrified from the fly over. I found Greg and waited in line with him. We waited 40 minutes in the line for food. Once I got back to my seat I realized the pretzel with cheese was HARD AS A ROCK! Needless to say, having food at the park left much to be desired.

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